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That $800 plant isn't even a cactus as advertised (much less a desert cactus).

Cactus are native to the Americas. The plant in the photo is a Euphorbia (closely related to the poinsetta sold around Christmas) and is from Africa. It looks like a cactus but isn't related at all.

One way to tell the difference between cactus and these "imposters" is that real cactus have spines protruding from a detachable pad that can be pulled cleanly off (the spines are an evolved leaf and detach in a similar way). The spines of the Euphorbia on the other hand are part of the main body of the plant and can't be cleanly detached.

Probably only a few plant nerds really care, but for $800 they shouldn't call it something it manifestly isn't IMOP.

No doubt I'll feel silly for asking but what is IMOP? Google didn't provide any sensible answer.

The easy way to find such unknown jargons is to search google with "<jargon> internet slang".

Given the context, most likely "In my own opinion."

Aha, thanks. Even though that would be IMOO, you switched the context for me. If the P had been omitted it would have been obvious to me. Perhaps it's just a typo.

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