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If you don't like it, then ignore it. Your cynism brings literally nothing to the table.

As a student, and someone who wants to become a strong engineer over the next ten years... this kind of opportunity is fantastic. You can see it as "uncompensated labor", I see it as a way to learn, get my code "out there", and get better at my trade.

Im contribootin, but when you think that forces me to abandon all my opinions and cheerfull throw flower petals on every propaganda waggon rollin through town- nope.

Open Source never really cared so much about its contribooters as they cared about open source. If stallmann would start worrying about its contribooters beeing able to live decent lifes with familys, without having a boss breathing down there neck- maybee then.

But it guess that is just not that sort of freedom thats high on the priortiy list. Open Source as a lifestyle is currently limited to students and beginners.

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