Even by that definition, this list doesn't make sense. There was no "cross-functional team focus[ing] on a specific metric" for the ice-bucket challenge. Cash incentives (PayPal example) have been around for decades—that's not a growth hack.
This is a list of marketing strategies and tactics that happened to work for these particular companies/individuals.
"Growth hacking" was always, since the very inception of a term, just rebranding of "marketing" in a way that makes it sound cooler. It's just a purified buzzword. In the tech space, having yourself called "growth hacker" was seen as more cool than "marketer".
I think it was intended to very very high return marketing that was inherent to the use of the product itself, as distinct from traditional marketing where the product was the thing being marketed (selling auto parts) and not the thing doing the marketing (advertising in your free email signatures).
I know dozens of growth hackers and their skills are simply different to traditional digital marketers. It is far more experimental, technical and cross functional. And it will continue to evolve into its own space in the future.
People who think growth hacking = marketing are just as clueless as those who think influencer marketing = Instagram. It's far more involved than that.
They are generally less physically attractive. I was shocked the first time I visited a traditional advertising/marketing company's office.
Edit. Growth hackers are the less physically attractive :) I was shock how beautiful the advertising/marketing people were - there wasn't one average looking person (male or female) in the place apart from me.
Honestly cannot figure out who “they” are in your comment. Who looks better in your opinion, traditional marketers or growth hackers? Were you shocked by how good they looked or how bad they looked?
Every time I start to assume you meant one of them, I get nervous wondering if your shock was pointed the other way. Lol.
This is a list of marketing strategies and tactics that happened to work for these particular companies/individuals.