Your getting downvoted for this, and I have no idea why.
Have other folks actually stepped inside a VA facility? Many of them are old/outdated/underfunded it's true. But some of them truly do offer superior care to a typical private hospital (in staff, facilities, and outcomes). The VA system could use significant improvement, absolutely. But if the fear-mongering 'worst case scenario' is that everyone gets VA levels of healthcare, that's still a huge win for all of America. That's a great baseline standard to start with, that no one should ever fear falling below.
If an uninsured American is critically injured, the options today are "A: Die" or "B: Bankruptcy". Having a new option "C: Universal VA-levels of healthcare" would be a win for literally every American, even for Americans who are lucky enough to already have great private insurance and who would never need/use this option themselves.
> But some of them truly do offer superior care to a typical private hospital
Which ones? Because that has not been my experience at the hawaii facility. From my appointment time being written down on a piece of paper then they send me my actual appointment date a few months later to the doctor being an hour+ late, my personal experiences have been subpar.
Add in how doctors/nurses at multiple hospitals do comically incompetent things like reusing insulin pens/colonoscopy bags/not washing equipment, the general sense of incompetence when they lose my records every few years, or talking to my buddies who got out and ended up working at the VA and have told me that they'll never get treated there, and I do not have the same sense of "superior care" that you're talking about.
If I want hep C, I'll go to the VA. If I want medical care, I'll go anywhere else or just not go to a doctor.
"Add in how doctors/nurses at multiple hospitals do comically incompetent things like reusing insulin pens/colonoscopy bags/not washing equipment"
I work in hospital infection control research - if you think your private hospital isn't making many of those same mistakes, I have some very bad news for you...
Have other folks actually stepped inside a VA facility? Many of them are old/outdated/underfunded it's true. But some of them truly do offer superior care to a typical private hospital (in staff, facilities, and outcomes). The VA system could use significant improvement, absolutely. But if the fear-mongering 'worst case scenario' is that everyone gets VA levels of healthcare, that's still a huge win for all of America. That's a great baseline standard to start with, that no one should ever fear falling below.
If an uninsured American is critically injured, the options today are "A: Die" or "B: Bankruptcy". Having a new option "C: Universal VA-levels of healthcare" would be a win for literally every American, even for Americans who are lucky enough to already have great private insurance and who would never need/use this option themselves.