gcloud container clusters create flk1 \ --cluster-version 1.XX? \ #put your version here --machine-type g1-small \ --disk-size 20 \ --preemptible \ --enable-autoupgrade \ --num-nodes 1 \ --network flk1 \ --scopes storage-rw,compute-rw,monitoring,logging-write gcloud config set container/cluster flk1 gcloud container clusters get-credentials flk1 gcloud container node-pools create small-pool-p \ --cluster=flk1 \ --machine-type n1-standard-1 \ --disk-size 20 \ --preemptible \ --enable-autoupgrade \ --num-nodes 1 gcloud container node-pools create small-pool \ --cluster=flk1 \ --machine-type n1-standard-1 \ --disk-size 20 \ --enable-autoupgrade \ --num-nodes 2
And then other pools for higher usage nodes.. The smallest cluster I have is about $75/month.
Pre-emptible nodes seem to recover quite well and I always keep at least one container per pod/etc. on the non-pre-emptible just in case.