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I don't bow down to my laptop, but I respect what went into making it.

It's great to admire excellent engineers; aspiring to be as skilled as someone at a task can be very motivating. Worshipping them is another thing.

You're right about the inferiority complex - I know I'm a relatively bad SW engineer, but that's mostly related to how new it is to me. I expect and want to improve.

Hubris is defined as excessive pride or self-confidence. I would say that bragging that you're "probably a 1% engineer," and that you've been hired by three of the largest SW companies out there qualifies as hubris. Maybe it's just me, but I don't think a 1% engineer would publicly boast about being one and then actually use the 'M$' in a non-farcical manner.

Shitting on 99% of the SWE population to make yourself look good, then shitting on yourself to make another person look even better doesn't really work. There's a reason humanCmp() is a little more complex than strCmp().

BTW, being hired by a large company doesn't mean you're all that. Plenty of idiots get hired by Oracle.

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