It's interesting how in 2018 web development === react. React this, react that.
Anyway, I think beginner empathy is when you anticipate the usage of your API, or modules. Pro empathy is when you talk about it and share your feelings and needs and then listen to those other users' feelings and needs.
Fractured pluggable routing may be a good idea, but you know, at a certain point a centralized route definition may be a good idea too. There's no one solution fits all strategy.
Major routes === modules (oh boy, enhance). We're all MVC (with islands of goodness) again. Frontend is the new backend, but it's fronted too. Doing frontend is hard.
Dependency injection. Malte talks about the google search result page as an example for ultra complexity - Angular tries to sell itself for very high complexity ("enterprise") projects, yet I would eat my hat if Google plus or even the search result page would be better in Angular. The frontend landscape is fractured and everyone tries to sell you his or her snake oil.
Base bundles: yes, they suck. That's why common chunk creation is delegated to the bundler (like webpack) and then you believe that if a datepicker used more than three times it's okay to load it all the time. Or you can be a smartass and do require-ensure like logic all yourself (maybe it's not your fault, maybe just a very clever manager made you do it). And then you will feel very smart and good and after a year or so you realize how it was stupid and then someone comes along and relegates it back to the bundler.
Large applications in javascript are like Frankenstein's monster, but it's better to have a monster than a pile of dead flesh jolted by electricity with each and every release. My two cents.
> It's interesting how in 2018 web development === react. React this, react that.
Its quite popular for sure, but after just doing a job search for about 6 months, I came across a surprising number of firms using ng, ember, and even vue in a couple places.
modern ruby on rails with ujs is still hugely popular
You're lucky. I've been through a jub-hunt cycle, my experiences here are: lots of legacy stuff (mostly angular1), tons of react, some nu-angular and one vue (which is going to be my next job, not just because I love vue, but also because they understood the tech stuff I had been talking about, unlike many others).
Anyway, I think beginner empathy is when you anticipate the usage of your API, or modules. Pro empathy is when you talk about it and share your feelings and needs and then listen to those other users' feelings and needs.
Fractured pluggable routing may be a good idea, but you know, at a certain point a centralized route definition may be a good idea too. There's no one solution fits all strategy.
Major routes === modules (oh boy, enhance). We're all MVC (with islands of goodness) again. Frontend is the new backend, but it's fronted too. Doing frontend is hard.
Dependency injection. Malte talks about the google search result page as an example for ultra complexity - Angular tries to sell itself for very high complexity ("enterprise") projects, yet I would eat my hat if Google plus or even the search result page would be better in Angular. The frontend landscape is fractured and everyone tries to sell you his or her snake oil.
Base bundles: yes, they suck. That's why common chunk creation is delegated to the bundler (like webpack) and then you believe that if a datepicker used more than three times it's okay to load it all the time. Or you can be a smartass and do require-ensure like logic all yourself (maybe it's not your fault, maybe just a very clever manager made you do it). And then you will feel very smart and good and after a year or so you realize how it was stupid and then someone comes along and relegates it back to the bundler.
Large applications in javascript are like Frankenstein's monster, but it's better to have a monster than a pile of dead flesh jolted by electricity with each and every release. My two cents.