Thanks, I'd love to have a bit more of your attention, foundationdb seems very interesting but I need to know a bit more :)
Let me expand the definition in Kleppmann's book then.I think it is important because it creates a difference between SSI and typical Serializable level based on 2PL.
The below is paraphrasing the definitions on p. 324-329.
The book references
(I must admit, I read the book, not the paper).
Basic idea - make a system appear as if there were only one copy of the data and ALL operations on it are atomic.
In this model, there may be replicas, but we don't care about them.
As soon as a client completes a write to the db, all clients reading the db must be able to see the value just written.
In SSI this is not true, because you may the snapshot may not include writes more recent than the snapshot -> reads from the snapshot are not lineraizable.
Linearizable CAS register is equivalent to consensus, and can provide total order. It is therefore what most developers would love to have (if cost was not an issue :) )
"A history is serializable if it is equivalent to one in which transactions appear to execute sequentially, i.e., without interleaving... A history is strictly serializable if the transactions’ order in the sequential history is compatible with their precedence order... Linearizability can be viewed as a special case of strict serializability where transactions are restricted to consist of a single operation applied to a single object."
In these terms, FoundationDB has the strict serializability property, and thus if you do exactly one operation in each FoundationDB transaction then that is linearizable.
But that kind of linearizability is much less powerful than what FoundationDB actually gives you. You cannot efficiently maintain global invariants, like indexes, with single-operational linearizability. I don't think this definition is very useful! I think strict serializability (which is to say serializability & external consistency) is what you actually want.
A linearizable CAS register can be implemented in FDB as simply as this:
Thank you very much for your in-depth explanation, I believe the only thing left for me is to run FDB myself, sounds very promising :) FDB replacing zookeper + sth else would reduce the complexity of target distributed system, almost too good to be true.
Let me expand the definition in Kleppmann's book then.I think it is important because it creates a difference between SSI and typical Serializable level based on 2PL. The below is paraphrasing the definitions on p. 324-329. The book references (I must admit, I read the book, not the paper).
Basic idea - make a system appear as if there were only one copy of the data and ALL operations on it are atomic. In this model, there may be replicas, but we don't care about them. As soon as a client completes a write to the db, all clients reading the db must be able to see the value just written.
In SSI this is not true, because you may the snapshot may not include writes more recent than the snapshot -> reads from the snapshot are not lineraizable.
Linearizable CAS register is equivalent to consensus, and can provide total order. It is therefore what most developers would love to have (if cost was not an issue :) )