You're not wrong, but if you're going to put political effort into avoiding collateral damage from bursting bubbles, crypto is not the place to start.
We're currently squeezing residents out of houses to turn them into airbnb's, replacing shops that the locals actually use with dozens of identical puffin stores selling tourist tat and bulldozing sustainable local business so we can replace them with hotels.
All this to service a tourism industry that is actually too large to handle. We've got tourists pooping in fields because no one has organised toilets for them to use. The toilets aren't there because no one is paying for them because the tourism industry is getting massive tax breaks, and yet despite this, Iceland is now so expensive to stay at that people are booking in Norway, because it's actually /cheaper/ to holiday there.
But this is apparently not a bubble and all good investment, just like the banking was I guess.
Seriously, when it comes to problems in Iceland, crypto mining isn't even on the map.