The advantage of the blockchain is that we have well tested clients and api already, dealing with ID, logs and sync, with a huge number of nodes.
And you do need trust for distributing software.
You can't use git, it's hard to sync automatically. Torrent is a nice transport, not a db, and can be use to sync blockchains anyway, why make them exlusive ? And using any distributed db would exclude the field tested solution on millions of wallet that prove to work, and the api that is alreay well supported.
And you do need trust for distributing software.
You can't use git, it's hard to sync automatically. Torrent is a nice transport, not a db, and can be use to sync blockchains anyway, why make them exlusive ? And using any distributed db would exclude the field tested solution on millions of wallet that prove to work, and the api that is alreay well supported.