Extreme economic incentives perpetuate odd socio-economic behaviour. Look at the Japanese greying population renting everything from fake family to a complete fake wedding with the whole 9 yards[1](Yes Virginia there is a Netflix documentary on it as well[2]).
But enough about Japan. The dangers to India are very real.
- 1 million people entering the workforce every month due to demographics.
- 50% population engaged in agriculture providing 14% of the GDP.
- Difficult labor laws, swamped Judicial system makes for only technology intensive industries that employ fewer people.
It is a unique experiment in the history of Democracies where ~600 Million people need to be lifted out of poverty and into sustainable jobs. This has not been done before.
But enough about Japan. The dangers to India are very real.
- 1 million people entering the workforce every month due to demographics.
- 50% population engaged in agriculture providing 14% of the GDP.
- Difficult labor laws, swamped Judicial system makes for only technology intensive industries that employ fewer people.
It is a unique experiment in the history of Democracies where ~600 Million people need to be lifted out of poverty and into sustainable jobs. This has not been done before.
[1] https://www.theatlantic.com/family/archive/2017/11/paying-fo... [2] https://www.amazon.com/gp/video/detail/B06Y1JVLD4