One big problem with the conclusion is that intuitions from low dimensional spaces often don’t carry over to high dimensional spaces. e.g. common example is how the volume of the unit hypersphere intersected with hypercube ratio goes to zero. One funny thing I saw once was something like “the real curse of dimensionality is how different optimization in high dimensional spaces is compared to low dimensional spaces”.
> One big problem with the conclusion is that intuitions from low dimensional spaces often don’t carry over to high dimensional spaces. e.g. common example is how the volume of the unit hypersphere intersected with hypercube ratio goes to zero.
Is that un-intuitive, or am I looking at it the "wrong" way? I'm imagining the overlap of a 2D square/unit-circle versus the overlap of a 3D cube/unit-sphere, and from those two data points there's already a downward trend.
I mean, the 2D case is really just the single cross-sectional slice from the 3D case through the middle, the one that that has the greatest possible overlap. All other possible slices will less overlap.
Following that logic, a 3D square/cube overlap is likewise the the "middle cross-section of greatest overlap" for a 4D scenario, etc.
I give you a megabox: a million dimensional hypercube spanning one meter along each axis. I also provide a bunch of megaspheres, million-dimensional hyperspheres scaled to be 0.99 meters in diameter. How many megaspheres can you fit into the megabox?
The spheres and the cubes are of the same dimension, so it's not like trying to put flat things inside of a thing with volume. (Technically I should have said million dimensional balls instead of spheres. Sorry if that was confusing.)
Then isn’t the answer 1? For 2 dimensions, one circle fits in a square, in three dimensions one sphere fits in a cube. Should be the same for any value of n?
Consider that the distance between opposite corners of a square is √2 meters, but for a cube it's √3 meters. In general, for an n-dimensional hypercube of diameter 1m, the exactly-opposite corners are √n meters apart.
Meaning, in a million-dimensional meter-diameter hypercube, exactly-opposite corners will be a kilometer apart. There's a lot more diagonal wiggle room than you think.
I can't tell you the exact answer, but it's at least 10^100000.
The coordinates of the centre of each megasphere have to lie in the range [0.49,0.51]. Let's just think about megaspheres which are pushed as far as they will go into some corner, so their coordinates are each either 0.49 or 0.51. For each of the one million directions, the distance between the centres of two megaspheres in that dimension will either be 0.02 or 0, depending if their coordinates are the same or different. So by Pythagoras' Theorem the total distance between their centres will be sqrt(n)0.02, where n is the number of dimensions in which their coordinates differ. In order for them to fit the distance must be at least 0.99, so we need sqrt(n)0.02 >= 0.99, which means we need n >= 2451. But we have 1000000 coordinates to choose from, so it's not hard at all to make sure that at least 2451 of them differ. We can start with the sphere whose centre has all coordinates equal to 0.49. Then the sphere with coordinates 0.51 in the first 2451 dimensions, and all others 0.49. Then the sphere with coordinate 0.51 in the next 2451 dimensions. And so on.
That squeezes in at least 1000000/2451 = 407 spheres, but even after that there's loads more room. How about the sphere that has coordinates 0.49 and 0.51 alternating? Or changing every 3? In fact if we just assign coordinates at random then each dimension has a 50/50 chance of being different, so we would expect them to be different in 500000 dimensions. The probability of them being different in only 2450 dimensions is given by (1000000 C 2450)/(2^1000000) = 10^-293570. The number of pairs of spheres is quadratic in the number of spheres. So if we just shove the spheres into corners at random we can expect to place about sqrt(1/10^-293570) = 10^146785 spheres before two of them collide.
And that still leaves loads of room away from the corners! The point at (0.5,...,0.5) is still a distance of sqrt(1000000)0.01 = 10 away from the centre of any sphere we've placed so far, so there's still plenty of space for more spheres.
EDIT: The coordinates should actually be 0.495 and 0.505, but the principle is the same.
Let V be the volume (content) of a hypersphere of radius 0.99 (twice the radius of the spheres in the question). The total volume in which the centres of the spheres can lie is 0.01^1000000. So if the densest packing uses n spheres, then we must have nV >= 0.01^1000000 or else there would be a point at least 0.99 away from the centre of any sphere, and we could add an extra one there.
Using Stirling's approximation to bound V above gives that n is greater than 10^388118.6...
I don't follow the logic here. How are you getting the equation nV >= 0.01^1000000? Shouldn't there be a packing efficiency constant in there? It almost looks like you're trying to pour the spheres like a liquid.
Imagine just putting the spheres in one at a time until you can't put in any more. Why can't you put in any more? It must be that every point of [0.495,0.505]^1000000 is within 0.99 of the centre of one of the spheres. Otherwise you could put in a new sphere with that point as its centre. This means that if we imagine spheres of radius 0.99 around each of our original spheres (which only have radius 0.495) those big spheres must cover all of [0.495,0.505]^1000000. Hence their combined volume must be as large as the volume of that box. Note that I defined V to be the volume of a sphere with radius 0.99, not diameter 0.99 as in the statement of the problem.
Downward trend doesn't imply trending to zero. Would your intuition suggest a trend to zero?
Even if it does - you can build intuitions to explain unintuitive results. Unituitive is subjective and a similar word would be "surprising". Because you can look at data to explain a surprising result - it doesn't make the initial result less surprising.
> One big problem with the conclusion is that intuitions from low dimensional spaces often don’t carry over to high dimensional spaces. e.g. common example is how the volume of the unit hypersphere intersected with hypercube ratio goes to zero. One funny thing I saw once was something like “the real curse of dimensionality is how different optimization in high dimensional spaces is compared to low dimensional spaces”.
How so usually in Pure Mathematics(Analytic area's) everything done in R^{1} R^{2} is usually generalized to R^{N} and much of the intuition carriers over. So how does it fail here in the context of Machine Learning ?
All the mechanics scale like you’d expect. You have bigger matrices containing more observations with more parameters per observation. Keep the dimensions aligned properly and everything works out just like it would with smaller vectors.
The discrepancies appear when you start dealing with probabilistic stuff. Suddenly everything’s conditioned by everything else, and your complexity skyrockets. Example: it’s easy to find people with about average height and weight, but the more physical characteristics you measure (increasing dimensionality) the more like you are to find something statistically unusual, eg very long fingers. Very interesting Air Force research on this [0]
WRT to optimization, higher dimensions can help avoid the local minima problem. When you have 1000s if possible directions to go, it’s unlikely that none of them will yield a better answer.
The actual global minimum isn't the ocean but rather the Dead Sea. I imagine this is rather hard to find, since you have to be fairly close to it before the gradient leads toward it rather than the ocean.
In fact we can be very precise. The Dead Sea has a catchment area of 41650 km^2, which is 0.0000816 of the Earth's surface. So we need on average 12200 random initializations in order to find the Dead Sea by gradient descent.
Well, the Dead Sea is certainly below mean ocean level. But the deepest oceanic trenches are far deeper (~11 km below mean ocean level) than the bottom of the Dead Sea (~0.74 km below mean ocean level).
Finding ocean is easy: water and gravity have formed the surface to have few local minima. It would be much more interesting finding peaks: there are many local maxima.
And the most important maxima are often surrounded by lots of local maxima. They may also have some steep slopes so gradient methods can easily overshoot. Sometimes the surface function is not even continuous (overhanging walls).
water and gravity have formed the surface to have few local minima
From the article: "It turns out that the earth is filled with local minima"
(I suspect the deal is that you're right that water always flows downhill to the ocean; but that it often happens at scales too small to capture in the GIS data, or underground.)
Well, in a large scale, performing a gradient descent on the earth should always end at an ocean or at an endorheic basin.
Sure, when you increase the "resolution" to meters or smaller, there will be an endless number of mini-endorheic basins. For example, the former Collect Pond in NYC:
OK, I didn't run through the math on this but I have spent a lot of time walking around the Olympics and the computed path from the summit of Olympus looks extremely inefficient. Also there's a point east of Forks that looks as if the path was close to getting trapped. The example does not seem compelling as a proof of convergence, especially if you reduce the momentum component to a point where you can't just hop over 4000' ridges as this path does.
For now I'm sticking with the path down the Hoh River. ;)
Maybe use a different dataset with the levels of the oceans, and see if you can find the lowest point on earth (Challenger Deep) from the peek of the Everest ? :P
And now, do Adagrad, RMSProp, RMSProp + Nesterov and Adam, and maybe Newton, BFGS, L-BFGS and conjugate gradients, and then coordinate ascent :)
It would be a pretty good educational tool to teach people the different gradient descent methods, though it's probably too simple of a problem for these methods to be at all useful.
>The earth should actually be a very easy function to optimize. Since the earth is primarily covered by oceans, more than two thirds of possible valid inputs for this function return the optimal cost function value.
I guess if you're going to count the surface of the oceans as part of the descent you have to remember the surface of the ocean is not uniform in altitude neither due to tidal forces nor other factors.
The lowest point would be in the ocean, if you want to consider elevations below 0. In this implementation everything under 0 is rounded to 0. Otherwise, you'll have negative loss.
While there are good reasons to use gradient descent on neural networks, finding the global minima of the surface of the earth would not be my first choice. Various metaheuristics would do much better.
"We have success! It’s interesting watching the behaviour of the optimizer, it seems to fall into a valley and “roll off” each of the sides on it’s way down the mountain"
Anyone sitting at a computer right now have a few minutes to make an animation of this? I'd love to see it in action.