Michael Jordan is just mad he missed the boat on deep learning. Must be tough being that brilliant and at the same time get left in the dust by algorithms from the 90's and just sheer brute force. The AI revolution is here, from Google search to Uber pool to auto correct to recommendation engines, it is just a slow process.
??? that's not his lab, it's a blog site whose sole faculty advisor is Sergey Levine. I don't want to be a hater here, I'm just stating facts that M.J. is first and foremost a mathematician, and that deep learning has been tough for mathematicians in ML / stats.
The word he uses is "irritated" but on a different topic. On the subject at hand, what I'm seeing are significant successes on narrow niches of tasks. I'm not seeing a revolution yet.
Michael Jordan is a mathematician far more than an engineer. I've never heard of any deep learning papers or open source software coming from his lab. Like a lot of mathematicians though working in stats and ML, he's been forced to adapt. There is lots of resentment amongst mathematicians about the current AI revolution, to me this reeks of that. I could be wrong!
And also Michael Jordan is definitely _not_ at the forefront of deep learning or deep learning research (he definitely is in stats, no question). His lab is not even in the top 20 labs in the country for deep learning research. Also IMO nearly all the people at the forefront of deep learning are in industry right now.