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Or they can start off with reusing IDEA’s stuff, and building an LSP 2.0 based on it.

LSP is already on version 3.7, and publishing an update every few months: https://microsoft.github.io/language-server-protocol/specifi...

Is your complaint that they're not iterating fast enough? Because this is something I'd prefer they take their time and get it right, especially once we get past the low-hanging fruit and into complex things like debugging.

My complaint is that the entire concept on which LSPs are based today — each LSP reimplements all functionality itself, the editor is only a dumb textview — is wrong.

Language servers should expose an AST, not some actions. Language Servers shouldn't even know where the cursor is — or how many there are.

With a proper LSP, you can also write a linter just by using the protocol, you can call the same action on a thousand places at the same time, and the refactoring functionality is implemented only once, and reused everywhere.

The entire design of LSP is flawed.

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