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This is a common theme in these SBC threads, but I've also had a pretty good experience with microSD cards in the Pi—one time I had corruption after unplugging the Pi.

Two things that are immensely helpful if you want a stable experience with the Pi:

    1. A good power supply.
    2. A good microSD card.
Most cheap power supplies (like those you get free with a phone) don't supply 2A or more consistently, which the newer Pis need to run stable.

And as far as microSD cards go, [I wrote an article on that last week](https://www.jeffgeerling.com/blog/2018/raspberry-pi-microsd-... there's a huge gulf between the best and worst cards, even from name-brand manufacturers.

Indeed, I've had nothing but good experiences with Samsung EVO and SanDisk Ultra cards.

BTW, your link seems to end up on your front page, rather than the card comparison article.

Oops, it gets cut off if I paste the whole thing. Here’s a [text link](https://www.jeffgeerling.com/blog/2018/raspberry-pi-microsd-...) instead.

Sounds like someone needs to build a power supply with a tiny conditioner/battery to help ensure consistent power.

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