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I don't think it is a good blog post. He first criticises exception handling as undefined behavior which it is certainly not, and then criticises exception handling in general because it decouples error raising from error handling. This is whole point of exception handling because they should be used for non-local errors. Most of the "errors" handled in Martin's projects ZeroMQ and Nanomsg (which are both great libraries btw!) should not be handled as exceptions, as they are not unexpected values but rather states that have to be handled. Here, he uses the wrong tool for the job and criticises the tool.

He then criticises exceptions thrown in constructors and favors a init-function style. I never had any problem with this because I follow the rule that there shouldn't be much code in the constructor. The one and only task of a constructor is to establish the object's invariant. If that is not possible, then the object is not usable and the caller needs to react and shall not use the object.

In the second series, he first compares apples (intrusive containers) and oranges (non-intrusive containers), and then argues that the language forces him to design his software that way. Basically he argues that encapsulation makes it impossible in his case to write efficient code, and that you have to sacrifice it for performance.

However, with C++, you can extract the property of being an object in an intrusive list into a re-usable component, e.g. a mix-in, and then use your intrusive list with all other types. I can't do this in C in a type-safe manner, or I have to modify the structs to contain pointers, but why should they have anything to do with a container at all?

Besides that, I think that Martin is a greate programmer who did an amazing job with ZeroMQ. But I have the impression that he is wrong in this case.

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