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The lack of strong followup questions is the best indicator that there is very little about this hearing that is spontaneous and not defined in advance.

As I write this, Ms Cantwell starts her questioning and it is a markedly different style. Interesting

How could Zuckerberg know less than Wikipedia about Palantir considering Thiel's involvement with both FB and Palantir? He seems to merely know of the existence of Palantir.

To be fair, Wikipedia knows a lot more than me, too.

> there is very little about this hearing that is spontaneous

but, isn't that pretty much always true about Congressional hearings?

it seems like they're just a platform for Senators and Congressional reps to get some high profile air time and maybe enhance their reputation amongst their voters.

and maybe, if they're lucky, some YouTuber will excerpt their "performance" and title it "Watch Senator XYZ DESTROY Mark Zuckerberg!!!"

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