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I've never heard of othorexia until today. Funny that in a country with an obesity epidemic whose number one killer is heart disease that obsessing about eating healthy food is considered a mental illness.

>that obsessing about eating healthy food is considered a mental illness.

Mental illnesses, at least in present times, are defined and diagnosed when they are an impediment to functioning in a normal manner in society. A lot of people like to say, for example, that they "have OCD" but a psychiatrist would only diagnose you as having OCD if it cripples your life, not just if you have a mild obsession like double checking if you closed your door before leaving home.

In the case of something like orthorexia, it would be a mental illness when it reaches the point where you think of it for a large % of your days, that you would argue and get angry at people for not sharing your views on food, that you would get paranoid and be unable to participate at a family dinner and many other things that add up and make a person maladjusted in society. Can you really say she was not a mentally ill person ?


>"my car attacked by anti vegan animal business supporting criminals"

Her obsessions ran deep into paranoia that people who were not vegans were out to get her. This is the true face of mental illness. Let's not downplay the realities of it. Someone "obsessed with healthy food" as you put it can be more mentally ill and dysfunctioning in society than someone who's fat and eat fast food stuff on a daily basis. It all depends on how deep your obsession runs. The fat person might still be able to not think about food much of the day and function, work, have hobbies outside of food.

"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society."

Can we honestly and objectively say that being extremely health conscious is a sickness while habitually eating extremely unhealthy food to the point of obesity is not?

>>"my car attacked by anti vegan animal business supporting criminals"

>Her obsessions ran deep into paranoia that people who were not vegans were out to get her.

So anyone who suspects their car was vandalized by someone who disliked a controversial bumper sticker on it is mentally ill?

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