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Most will probably be owned by law enforcement. Many will be operating without the benefit of a warrant. So what do you do when you find one? You won't make many friends if you interfere with an ongoing investigation particularly if you raise questions about the legality of the operation at the same time.

Things were much the same back in the old days. If a telephone employee would find listening devices on the lines they were best off just quietly removing them and disposing of them. In the wild, surveillance equipment legally installed under a warrant looks exactly the same as all of the other kinds.

So in practice everyone got to tap phone lines, just as long as they didn't annoy anyone too official while doing so. The targets would never find out, unless the were willing to climb a telephone pole and check for themselves. The same thing will probably happen with stingray type devices. People like private investigators are likely already using them.

That reminds me of some photos my dad took years ago of a line technician on a crane truck fiddling with some equipment on a utility pole at the edge of our front yard for about thirty minutes. He thinks the guy was testing for some illegal cable descrambler on the line although I suppose it could have been anything since this happened in the DC Metro area :)

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