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It's all ok with it — there are two successors — bluebream and repoze.bfg. I prefer the latter. ;-)

I like repoze.bfg as well. My point was that Zope has dropped in usage and mindshare in the last 5 years, and the community was unable to prevent that (for technical reasons, the Zope2/Zope3 confusion, easier frameworks like Django, etc).

The problem with Zope is that it's not scale down to simple tasks. Repoze.BFG can do that, but it's Django-time now, sadly...

I think this is a major problem with Python (and Ruby, for that matter). Why does it have to be an all or nothing ? Why "Django-time" to detriment of all else ?

The PHP community seems to be happy with a rich ecosystem of frameworks offering different approaches to problems - from Drupal and Wordpress, through Symphony, Zend, CodeIgniter etc. Maybe it's because Python is such a smaller community, but it's a shame there has to be one-framework-to-rule-them-all (yesterday Zope, today Django).

Different frameworks offer different approaches and suit different projects. As Python developers we should be much more open minded.

Actually, we're far from "one framework" - just because one has a lot of mindshare doesn't mean we have like 30 of them floating around. Web.py, Django, Repoze, Flask, on and on and on.

I think writing a python web framework is a rite of passage.

I was referring to mindshare, and related jobs market, rather than the number of frameworks.

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