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Co—Star Astrology | Software Developer | Full-time, On-site in Brooklyn, NY | https://www.costarastrology.com/

Co-Star is a mobile application combining traditional methods of astrology with NASA data and modern technology to create a branded, hyper-personalized and social astrology experience. Nearly half of millennials believe in astrology – and that number continues to rise as more people are searching for meaning, connection, and community across all aspects of their lives. Since launch in October 2017, Co-Star has grown incredibly quickly and was ranked in Apple's top 100 entertainment app weeks after launch. We are an early stage startup (we just raised a seed round of funding) looking to expand the team as we continue to gain traction and develop the app!

Some of the technologies we use include

  - Haskell (our whole web api is written in this!)
  - Swift 
  - Python (we use AWS Lambda to wrap python libraries we don’t want to port to Haskell) 
  - React + TypeScript 
We are looking for a full stack developer who is familiar with at least one of Haskell, Swift, or AWS and is open to learning the others! We love types at Co—Star, and a passion for statically verifying code is definitely a plus!

There are currently three of us (founders) working on this. You’ll be our first hire, so you’ll have a big say in what we do and how we do it.

Contact jobs@costarastrology.com

How does the astrology bit actually work?

  import System.Random (randomRIO)
  pick :: [a] -> IO a
  pick xs = fmap (xs !!) $ randomRIO (0, length xs - 1)
  main = do
    x <- pick lifeAdvice
    print x

If you are only familiar with Sun sign astrology, you would probably be surprised at how mathematical and complicated astrology actually is. Though canned astrology often disappoints me, it at least doesn't tell you that you are going to have the same events as millions of others born within the same 30 day period.

We start by using NASA data to get the precise positions of the planets. Then we assign semantic meaning to these raw data points using the rules of astrology (i.e what significance the Moon has, what the different signs mean, etc). And lastly, we combine them together into human readable text which we show to the user.

Which astrology rules are you using? Greek or Indian? I have done some preliminary research into Indian astrology and it have amazed me at times on how accurate it is. Though most of the HN crowd can think I am stupid, even I thought astrology is stupid until I stumbled on few things and I applied the same rules to my friends life to predict their good and rough patches fairly accurately. The data set is very small to call it a scientific study, but I am planning to run the rules on a large data set to figure out the possibilities of it.

Great to see someone having a successful business with astrology. Good luck

Same as someone selling a religious app or any other entertainment app.

The only issue I have is when people take astrology too seriously. I hope you’re putting some sort of an “*” that it’s for entertainment purposes and people shouldn’t make serious life decisions on what you say.

Okay this is ridiculous. Great idea using science to advertise you shitty app.

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