So, you're saying 'it works and that's why we shouldn't use it'?
One company isn't a particularly solid sample.
For some contrast: I've looked at 9 companies since the beginning of the year and all of them took the GDPR serious enough that it made them re-evaluate their privacy, security and data life cycles. The interesting bit is that they would have never done any of that if not for the GDPR, and that no matter what level of use the data privacy tools will see it doesn't matter because before they didn't have those tools and now they do.
Besides that the GDPR has much wider scope than just allowing people access to their own data. Also, you should expect that as people become more aware of these things - and consumers will be more aware - that such tools will see more use.
One company isn't a particularly solid sample.
For some contrast: I've looked at 9 companies since the beginning of the year and all of them took the GDPR serious enough that it made them re-evaluate their privacy, security and data life cycles. The interesting bit is that they would have never done any of that if not for the GDPR, and that no matter what level of use the data privacy tools will see it doesn't matter because before they didn't have those tools and now they do.
Besides that the GDPR has much wider scope than just allowing people access to their own data. Also, you should expect that as people become more aware of these things - and consumers will be more aware - that such tools will see more use.