To each their own of course. I'd have no qualms about buying my Model S again.
I'm unwilling to buy a car stuck in time in it's model year, or that must wait years for a software upgrade. Then again, I'm happy with my iPhone, bugs and all; it'll get updates too, and works just fine between iOS updates.
I can appreciate that perspective. I want to live at the bleeding edge, and don't mind the inconveniences or regressions. I can't take my money with me when I die, so after savings and basic needs are met, I want to live in the future (even if the products are still in beta!).
I can't get that sort of experience from stodgy, risk adverse legacy enterprises. I want to support enterprises that want to succeed or die.
EDIT: Edit after your edit, keep the LTS builds, give me nightly! Tests pass? Ship it!
> I want to live in the future (even if the products are still in beta!)
Now we're getting in to why traditional automakers are 'stodgy' and 'risk averse'.
I do agree that there is a lot that can be improved in cars, but a ship software at a million miles an hour approach seems like the kind of practice that will end up externalizing the costs to the rest of us.
Edit: I'm gonna leave this up, but it doesn't really reflect the friendly tone I'm trying to put across - I've enjoyed this chat.
I’m the one who is responsible for the vehicle at all times, not an Uber safety driver who isn’t paying attention, and I take that responsibility seriously.
I only spent a bit more than half that on a CPO Model S, and I'd do it again in a heartbeat. If you have the means, I highly recommend it. By far, my favorite car having owned several Corvettes, an SLK 350, a luxury pickup truck, and a Subaru STI.
Who cares? I'm not buying a luxury vehicle on promises of what it might do given enough time.