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"You're doing it wrong" was a pretty common meme in 2011, I wouldn't take too much from it being the title of the piece other than the author was trying to be playful.

Ah, true, I didn't pick up on that. Maybe I did take the tone too seriously.

Well, historical context is easy to lose, especially with internet memes. I recently came across an older article[0] with this sentence in the middle:

> (The Imgur previously featured in this story doesn’t credit him at all, which is some bogus, Fat Jew-style shit.)

Being unaware that "Fat Jew" was the handle of someone who got internet famous but was caught stealing other people's jokes, I was really puzzled for a second what could have warranted that random anti-Semitic statement.

[0] https://news.avclub.com/ice-t-has-some-startling-information...

[1] https://www.reddit.com/r/wholesomebpt/comments/841k3c/ice_t_...

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