I'm looking to learn Spanish. I live in Costa Rica right now so that helps a lot, but there are so many different language learning apps + websites + guides + books etc. I am learning a decent amount but I am struggling to keep up with the speed of locals talking.
I watch a decent amount of Netflix shows in Spanish, but most speak super quickly as well.
I'm in between using Memrise (free) or Lingvist (paid... quite pricey for an app too) right now.
1) Memrise (paid). This gives you a solid vocabulary and a decent intuition on grammer/sentence structure.
2) Pimsleur (torrented, one 30min lesson every day). This is crucial to actually put all your knowledge from Memrise to use and make it instinctual. This also helps develop a very natural accent.
I did this for 45 days (~2 hours a day) before going to visit family in Italy with zero prior knowledge. My italian wasn't pretty but I could hold a wide range of conversations
I've been doing this for about 4 months for Spanish with just as much success. YMMV.