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I outlined my reasoning in my post above, unless heal is creating new doctors they are hiring away doctors from more efficient types of care.

Your reasoning is based on assumptions that there is no evidence for. Not all doctors are employed in providing care, you don’t know what Heal doctors are doing between seeing patients, you don’t know how Heal sources or compensates doctors, medical efficiency is not measured in patient-minutes, you don’t know how many patients a Heal doctor sees vs a clinic doctor, you don’t know the bottlenecks of community clinics, etc. etc.

> Your reasoning is based on assumptions that there is no evidence for.

I have no horse in this race, but I found it interesting that the above was followed by four “you don’t know…” statements.

You’re making assumptions as well. The person to whom you are responding may know a great deal more than they have revealed.

Do I contradict myself? Very well then I contradict myself, (I am large, I contain multitudes.)

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