Whoever downvoted you must not recognize your handle. /upvote to compensate.
This happened years ago, around 2006 or so, so hopefully you guys have solved the problem now. When I first discovered Reddit I became a contributor, most of my links got upvotes, one or two even hit the front page.
But after a couple months, suddenly every single one my submissions was getting downvoted within the first minute or so of submitting, no exceptions. Even many of my comments were getting pointlessly downmodded.
I figured at best I had pissed off some script kiddie with a downmod bot, at worst a voting ring had begun systematically suppressing competing links.
I just read the site for a while after that without submitting or commenting, eventually created a new handle and retired the original, and then discovered subreddits which imho is the best idea ever. It's not a problem anymore, at least among the subreddits I subscribe to.
I <3 reddit, have learned more from people there, esp Proggit and the like, than even my undergrad education, and was one of your recent contributors. I'm sure the anti-gaming code is significantly more evolved now than it was then. Though as this article and this one at Reddit[1] show, voting rings and the like are still a major problem for social link sites.