To be sure, but anybody using CloudFlare needs to keep in the back of their head that everything going through CF is not only accessible to a hypothetical Bad Guy at CloudFlare it can also (and remember has, this is a real bug that happened) get exposed to unrelated parties on the Internet if CF mixes your data with somebody else's by mistake.
This makes CF seem fine for your different variants of popcorn.gif, your (subresource integrity checked) Javascript implementation of the VIC-20 computer, or a public blog post, and NOT so great for patient access to histology results, private web forums, banking, and many other things on the Web.
This makes CF seem fine for your different variants of popcorn.gif, your (subresource integrity checked) Javascript implementation of the VIC-20 computer, or a public blog post, and NOT so great for patient access to histology results, private web forums, banking, and many other things on the Web.