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> unsafe is a relatively small percentage of code overall

I don’t think it’s a good idea to talk about percentage of code overall when discussing Rust. Take a look at http://githut.info/ you’ll see that majority of overall code is higher-level GC languages.

I’ve been professionally developing software since 2000, have a lot of experience with different languages and platforms, and I’m speaking from my experience. There’re 2 major reasons why now in 2018 I still pick C++ for some software or some components of it.

(1) Code that relies heavily on native interop. Like OS APIs for lower-level device IO, advanced networking stuff, GPU interop, other OS APIs. All of these APIs are C, or sometimes on Windows it’s C++.

(2) Performance-critical CPU bound code. One part of that is SIMD, but pointer-based structures also help a lot, and they are not small percentage of my code. BTW, another thing missing in current Rust is custom allocators. In C++ I can implement a custom allocator in just a couple hundred lines of code, and plug it into any collection for non-trivial performance gain in some use cases: https://github.com/Const-me/CollectionMicrobench Another C++ feature helping me with these performance-critical calculations is OpenMP.

Of course, Rust evolves quite fast, and it may change some day. But in its current state, I don’t think Rust is an adequate C++ replacement for the kind of problems I solve in C++.

GitHut shows data from 2014, incidentally.

Rust easily accesses C/OS APIs, and has great tools like Rayon for paralellizing code. Both wrap unsafe and have nice safe interfaces too.

If you like C++, you should use it, though. Not everyone will use Rust. That’s 100% okay.

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