so still no comment on protein? unless we get to the bottom of this, everything you're saying about keto comes with a huge blinking neon sign "HAS NO IDEA WHAT KETO IS"?
> emergency state
nope. it's a state our bodies have evolved to survive in. there is no scientific evidence that ketosis is harmful.
> if you're conscious of the dangers (especially ketoacidosis)
> Long term lifestyle change is what is actually needed, not short term fad diets
totally agree. the difference is that i know that keto is a valid long term lifestyle and there is no evidence of it being harmful, while the benefits i observe every day.
I'm advocating for a healthy, balanced diet as part of a healthy, balanced lifestyle. "Eat food, mostly plants, not too much", and cut out those simple sugars and processed foods. Simple as that.
No fads, just a basic long term lifestyle change that works, without buzzwords, without fancy diets, without expensive books or courses or gurus.
And without the risks associated with ketogenic diets:
retrospective study of epilepsy patients treated with the KD during 1995 through 2003 at the Korean multicenters
Conclusions: The KD is a safe and effective alternative therapy for intractable childhood epilepsy in Korea, although the customary diet contains substantially less fat than traditional Western diets, but life-threatening complications should be monitored closely during follow-up.
evaluate the efficacy and safety of the ketogenic diet (KD) treatment of refractory childhood epilepsy
Conclusions The KD is a safe and efficacious therapy for intractable childhood epilepsy in Chinese children. The influence of age on efficacy is worth further investigation.
do you spot the similarities? all those are reports about patients with epilepsy/seizures. some had complications. for most KD was effective in reducing seizures.
making any implications from that data about effects on healthy individuals is ridiculous FUD.
Listen, I'm not going to stop you from keto or paleo or homeopathy or any other wild idea.
Just be aware that the claimed scientific proof for its effectiveness is shaky at best, and there are definite dangers, which is why a medical professional should be consulted before starting.
It may be fine for you, but you are not everyone.
There is a hell of a lot of Dunning-Kruger effect going on in nerd circles, where high technical skill in one area is mistakenly believed to mean equal mastery in all other subjects. In this case it is nutrition, where a group of people have decided that they've "cracked the metabolism's secrets", "dieticians hate this one easy trick!"-style. It doesn't work that way, though. There are no easy shortcuts to weight loss and health, no matter how you stress your metabolism.
Health is simple, but it is not easy.
Dollars to donuts (ha!) your overall increase in health happened because you now look at lot more carefully at what you eat, plus cut out simple sugars completely. That is a very good lifestyle change, and enough to make up for the negatives of ketogenic diets, giving a net positive.
yeah, for kids with epilepsy. still best treatment so far even despite complications.
none of this allows you to make any conclusions about harmful effects on healthy individuals.
> In this case it is nutrition, where a group of people have decided that they've "cracked the metabolism's secrets", "dieticians hate this one easy trick!"-style. It doesn't work that way, though. There are no easy shortcuts to weight loss and health, no matter how you stress your metabolism.
you're still in the mindset that keto is short term fat loss fad diet. it isn't, it's a longterm lifestyle change.
> That is a very good lifestyle change, and enough to make up for the negatives of ketogenic diets
of which you have yet to show any evidence.
this whole thread is you reiterating the same crap and me constantly asking to back it up with some evidence. it's getting tiresome.
Keto is deliberately putting your metabolism into survival mode. It is putting a stress factor on the organism.
The study you link claims to study a "long term ketogenic diet", but only cover a 24-week period. That's less than 6 months.
That is absolutely not "long term". When talking about long term in diet and lifestyle terms, we are talking about several years, hopefully the entire remainder of a person's life.
Maybe the keto diet is making your tired and argumentative (a well-known side effect). There is no reason to be belligerent, just because I don't believe in your chosen fad diet.
> emergency state
nope. it's a state our bodies have evolved to survive in. there is no scientific evidence that ketosis is harmful.
> if you're conscious of the dangers (especially ketoacidosis)
ketoacidosis is impossible to achieve on keto diet unless you are trying VERY hard. seriously, inform yourself on the topic
> absolutely shouldn't be done on the long term
you know that because?
> Long term lifestyle change is what is actually needed, not short term fad diets
totally agree. the difference is that i know that keto is a valid long term lifestyle and there is no evidence of it being harmful, while the benefits i observe every day.