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I'm a (junior/so-so) react dev. I like the language, I probably could get better at it but I've gotten to the point where I like the sound of my own music.

That said, my question is the following. There seems to be a lot of resources on the web of the type "Hey Rust and WASM is a thing! You can make webpages with it". Ok, fine. However, I don't see a lot of the things that are in libraries like Vue and React that offer me SPA, fast development time and component (OR!) functional pattern design (I won't mention the ability to add npm packages, because yeah, Rust/WASM doesn't have an ecosystem yet, so that might be punching a bit below the belt). Is there anyone out there making a React like or "eco-system builder"-esque platform that would give me a lot of the benefits I'm seeing with React but with increased performance?

Also, I've done some low level programming before and think that Rust is very cool for that (yay memory safety! yay error messaging (no seriously yay)!). However, and I may be betraying my ignorance here, if I want to animate a div to fly across the page, am I going to have to write lots of low level code to do that? If that's the case, and development time suffers to eek out that extra bit of performance, I can't see this as having much utility outside of niche fields like game development.

I don't mean to be overly critical mind as I'm still (and probably will always be) a bit of a n00b. I'd love it if somebody would point me at some resources that I could burn a weekend on, if I thought the juice was worth the squeeze. I'm just not sure I know enough to know if this is something that I could be productive in (some day).

> "Hey Rust and WASM is a thing! You can make webpages with it". Ok, fine.

It is very early days. More to come...

> However, I don't see a lot of the things that are in libraries like Vue and React

Yes. There's not too many of these yet; there are some though. For example, https://github.com/DenisKolodin/yew

There's also the inverse: can we re-write parts of libraries like Vue or React in something that compiles to wasm, so that you get better performance as the user? I know of at least one major SPA framework that's doing this. Don't want to spill the beans too much, even though it is technically public knowledge.

That said, that's how I think wasm will impact the lives of most JS programmers: as technology that underpins the libraries they use to make them better. Unless you want to, or unless you want to write a high-performance library, I wouldn't expect wasm to really change the way most JS programmers operate. It's abut augmenting JS, not replacing it.

> if I want to animate a div to fly across the page, am I going to have to write lots of low level code to do that?

That depends entirely on the library!

> I'd love it if somebody would point me at some resources that I could burn a weekend on

They're sorta scattered all over the place right now. Such is life for early adopters. More will come as stuff matures. Don't under-estimate how much this will change as the tooling gets built out, for example.

> Can we re-write parts of libraries like Vue or React in something that compiles to wasm, so that you get better performance as the user?

For React, we would love to do this although it's not clear what parts of React would benefit from being moved to wasm right now.

Yeah, that's what I've been hearing through the grapevine. We'll see! I'd love to see it.

Call us up if you have any advice!

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