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Image search is one place where Bing actually beats Google.

Their results are nearly always better, I personally prefer their UI, and now they have the advantage of supporting this simple yet valuable feature.

It will probably take me some time to lose my muscle memory that leads me to Google's image search and get used to going to Bing instead, but this was a great catalyst for me to start changing my habits.

It has been for a long time, too. Bing lead Google on image search features for a solid 5 years (at least) before google made an attempt to catch up.

Now Google is losing features, although I wonder if Bing will need to do similar things for compliance?

Either way, check out their video search as well, you won’t be disappointed.

So what's stopping Getty images or anyone else from going after Bing next?

>Image search is one place where Bing actually beats Google.

Video search too in some sub-domains.

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