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Happy Lupercalia (2011) (resobscura.blogspot.com)
8 points by benbreen on Feb 16, 2018 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

About the she-wolf that raised Romulus and Remus: keep in mind that said she-wolf was most probably a prostitute, rather than an animal[0], much to the disdain of medieval clergy and dictators infatuated with mythology. [0](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lupa)

If that’s the case, then almost all the Roman writers were also confused about it, as well as various Roman sculptors.

The story about the twins being raised by a prostitute (whose name was Acca Larentia, by the way) was already well-known in Roman times.

> Sunt qui Larentiam volgato corpore lupam inter pastores vocatam putent; inde locum fabulae ac miraculo datum.

> Some writers think that Larentia, from her unchaste life, had got the nickname of "She-wolf" amongst the shepherds, and that this was the origin of the marvellous story.

(Titus Livius, Ab Urbe Condita, I.4)

Probably, people just kept using the legend of the she-wolf to symbolize the might of Rome.

Can't she be both?

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