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18 Blockchain Predictions for 2018 (consensys.net)
4 points by atomical on Feb 13, 2018 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

Ah another prediction post. I've been mulling over a public accountability ledger (AAAS anyone?) for a time now.

The idea formed while reading The Motley Fool "analysts" make arguments for or against a certain position. As I began to read regularly I started to trust certain authors and ignore others, yet I was filtering on how much I agreed with their arguments instead of how often their predictions were correct.

Enter a service that records public predictions then verifies them X days/months/years later, keeping track of some metric like a "correctness score" for each predictor. Could be an interesting, tech-light side project.

There are a few startups doing prediction markets on blockchain. I think most if not all of them are doing KYC and following all the regulations. Not sure why it needs blockchain in that case.

> The market cap of Filecoin will exceed that of bitcoin by 2023.

Could someone explain how Filecoin can compete with Amazon?

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