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you know how I know you're just being edgy and not actually a sociopath? sociopath don't feel guilt/shame about their sociopathy and therefore don't broadcast it in search of validation - your original comment was bait intended to draw someone into this debate wherein you could validate yourself. my guess? your distraught over your recent break up (whose cause you've reductively concluded was "sociopathy but actually was probably just some mixture of arrogance and selfishness) and you're narcissistic enough to participate in this charade rather than introspect on.

I haven't claimed to be a sociopath-- I know I'm not one. I'm not manipulative. Similarly I'm not a narcissistic because I don't have an exaggerated feeling of self importance: I believe everyone, including myself, is worthless. In person people find me selfless, & other times selfish. You've observed the latter aspect. I've only claimed to be a nihilist & rationally inclined. Being apathetic doesn't make someone a sociopath

Not sure where validation has come into this. I fumbled pointing out that there should be room for considering what the cost of a life is worth, & was instead met with attacks on my character. You're going out on a limb, making assumptions based on the slightest bit of information you've been given. Kind of goes along with my whole point about nihilism not pressing its ideology: people who have some righteous stance press their assumptions on others

Now in being told I was only giving predictable hypotheticals I decided to open up, reveal some raw humanity. But it's a kind of catch-22 fallacy: you're a charade whether responses are facetious or sincere. Similar to the catch-22 fallacy of having to be distraught over a break up because either you're torn up over it or you're just acting like you're not

Introspection happens, most often internally, but sometimes I drop a line into the id, hooking on to something: https://serprex.github.io/w/%3b but go on, reject an alternative human experience, label it 'edgy'

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