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Chickadees lengthen the number of "dees" in their calls depending on the perceived threat of nearby predators based on size/speed:

Templeton and his colleagues tested the alarm call responses of a flock of six chickadees against the presence of 13 birds of prey predators, which ranged in size from the 40-centimetre wingspan pygmy owl to the 140-centimetre wingspan rough-tail hawk. They also tested responses against two mammals, a cat and a weasel. Each predator was inserted into the chickadees aviary and tethered to a perch.

After analysing 5000 recorded alarm calls, the team found that the number of “dees” in the bird’s trademark “chickadee-dee-dee-dee” call corresponded to the size of the poised predator. Smaller hunters – which pose the greatest risk – received the most vociferous response. The alert causes the flock to mob their sitting foe in an attempt to drive it away.


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