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Looks great. I love the styling.

As a general feedback: I'm a bit cautious about using third party Chrome extensions. I'm more OK with giving auth to my LinkedIn account. Maybe a server side option with headless chrome would be a good addition.

What is it about third-party extensions you don't like?

I know many extensions have full access to any site you visit, but I specified LinkedIn for mine, so when you install it, you are warned that it can access all your data on LinkedIn, but no other sites.

Yup, as solotronics said.

On Chrome extensions, minor bugs (or minor bugs in the libraries you depend on) might end up having far worse consequences. Read/write access to only linkedin.com can still leak a decent amount of unwanted information in case there's an exploit.

Hmm. I'll have to read into that more.

I don't use any external libraries, I wrote all of the code in the extension, and the only external requests made outside of the extension are to Google Fonts, so I wonder if it'd be possible to infect this extension.

nothing about yours in particular but recently there have been attacks via 3rd party extensions in general


edit: tried your extension out and I really liked it! thanks for sharing

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