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This family is at the top of the opiate pyramid.

I dated a girl whose mother cleaned their house. They had wealth I'd never seen before. Their house was massive. Like the basement was larger than any home I'd ever been in.

I was told he was a hospital administrator. But actually he was just a drug pusher. Which makes so much more sense now looking back at the level of wealth.

It's amazing how these greedy people destroyed millions of lives and they get to live the life of luxury. Sell weed and you are a felon. Peddle addictive opiates to the masses and destroy countless families, you get to be a billionaire.

Drugs have been weaponised in the West. Both 'legal' and 'illegal' forms.

Drugs are one of the principle means of social control used by the power elite to keep society malleable and repressed - truly. Both illegal - and legal - drugs have their covert uses in this regard.

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