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I agree, the similarities are striking. For example, we have our own version of the Law of Jante, known as "maaiveldcultuur", or "mowing field culture". It refers to the expression "je moet je kop niet boven het maaiveld uitsteken", which roughly translates to "don't stick out your head above mowing height". In England this is also known as "tall poppy syndrome", and you can probably guess what it means.

> For him it seems more about the game. He loves the game of doing business and winning. It is not what you can do with money personally that matters.

Apparently, one of Kamprad's motto's was that happiness is not reaching the goal, but the journey itself. I suspect that almost all people who are outliers in their field (be that businesspeople, top athletes, anything) share this attitude. Becoming rich is an external motivation. Enjoying "the game" itself is an intrinsic one. When it comes to getting people to move mountains, the latter works much better.

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