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As a Norwegian I keep getting surprised by things I learn about Sweden. Sweden seems to have been a lot more socialist than Norway. In some respect might still be.

The housing system in Sweden sound more socialist than what we got in Norway today, judging from how a Swedish friend has explained it to me.

However welfare benefits seems more generous in Norway. How sick people are dealt with in Sweden seems harsher. No pay the first days out of work, and maximum days sick decided by the government for different ailments etc.

It is a mixed bag. In some aspects Sweden is more socialist and in other things Norway. But then, all government programs is not socialist by design, some is conservative other liberal. And I think that Norway is more conservative than Sweden.

How to tell if a government program is socialist or not? Rule of thumb is if the labour union or any other part of the labour movement is in on it.

'Löntagarfonder' originated from the Swedish labour union LO, LO is the main funder of the Social democrats. Up to the 90-ties membership in LO included a forced membership in the Social democrats.

Housing system is pure madness, rent is set by negotiation between the land lord and Hyresgästföreningen, historically a political ally to Social democrats!

So in Norway you can surf to finn.no and find an available apartment within minutes. In Sweden, nope!

One crazy thing I remember from Norway is that NRK can take money directly from your own bank account or contact your employer to take it from the salary if you don't pay the TV license ('kringkastingsavgift')!

> Housing system is pure madness, rent is set by negotiation between the land lord and Hyresgästföreningen, historically a political ally to Social democrats!

Friendly reminder to not forget the stupid ass national (but regionally determined) rent control regulation.

Oh, and the Planning and Construction law which most likely is the most tedious and single longest law in the Swedish law book.

It's no wonder that you have to already rent an apartment, to rent an apartment in the Swedish cities and that Swedes get dumbfounded when you tell them you can get an apartment within days in other cities (although you'll have to pay more for it) around the world..

I guess Norway can fund more of its social benefits through oil money?

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