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I have a different algorithm: Instead of asking "what editor has the best plugin for X", I just use emacs. If emacs isn't great at X when I start using it for X, it'll be there soon enough.

you picked one that is already in that top. Try that with the 100th most used editor.

I disagree it’s worth sticking to on text editor for programming tasks. The productivity boost of a good complex plugin is huge, way bigger than anything one gets from productivity in the text editing itself that comes from familitarity with the editor I think.

Look at the state of e.g Rust dev in Atom/VSCode/.. today. It will get there but it might be years for the one in spot #3 to reach the #1

Your point exactly? You appear to either switch editors or consider switching on a regular basis, and I don't.

ok :)

My point was that if you want the best plugin (not good enough) then the editor must vary.

And secondly, if you do stick with one editor it’s surely one of those biggest ones as otherwise the chance is slim of even finding half decent plugins.

Hey, you edited your comment to remove what I responded to. Thanks for not labeling the edit.

Probably realized just like you that I misinterpreted or formulated something poorly, sorry.

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