I'm honored!!! Thanks. Yes, the architecture is P2P/decentralized (see this talk https://youtu.be/5fCPRY-9hkc ), however:
- NAT Traversal sucks and WebRTC is still very glitchy. To get around this, it is easier/better to just run gun on your machine directly (not via a browser) and connect directly to other gun peers with their IP addresses. Then browsers can connect via websocket fallback, but as WebRTC gets better that will work too.
- Peer discovery is not built in by default, but should be trivial to do by starting with some bootstrapping peers, which as other peers connect to them everybody saves the new IP addresses to a common `gun.get('peers').set(IP)` table. So yes, it is easily possible, just not built in (I'm sure in the future we'll have a full fledged extension for it).
- re:"gossip" GUN automatically daisy chains updates through peers of peers, in an ad-hoc mesh-network manner.
Would love to chat more! What is your email? Mine is mark [atatatat] gunDB [dotdotdot] io !
but its decentralization features are not all too clear to me (have to dive deeper). things like peer discovery, nat traversal, gossiping, etc.
does that come with the package?