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You might be interested in this article from a JetBrains developer who implemented zero-latency typing in IDEA:


I first switched to Webstorm in early 2016, on a Windows laptop at the time, and the latency was absolutely horrific.

I'm talking 100-800ms. I was so off-put, even after changing a few settings, that I returned to Notepad++ for a while.

I'd never been so disgusted at a piece of software. It's the 21st century and we're dealing with input latency in a text editor???

Eventually they seemed to fix things and it started running better, and now on Linux it runs buttery smooth and is a joy to use, but clearly they were not finished with their work by the time this article was published.

I bought (though in a sale) PyCharm few years back, without trying it much before (my bad), and found it really really bad. Used maybe 12 hours of my one year license.

Somehow got accustomed to to pretty much vanilla Sublime, mostly because I can't seem to get the language "intelligence" plugins to work correctly.

You should give PyCharm another go. If you don't have a license anymore, JetBrains offers a free community version. It is more than enough to suit my needs.

What did you find bad about it? If it was just input latency, that's fixed.

The UI overall was slow (I wouldn't remember if input delay was part of it). It's been in 2012 or 2013 I think, so yeah, I would hope they got better at it :)

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