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Just going to throw my 2-cents in - I should note that my knowledge of PID is very limited.

The first time I encountered an explanation of how PID worked that made sense to me, was via the Udacity CS373 course that I took in 2012 (Thrun also had a great explanation on how a Kalman filter worked as well). This explanation of PID was repeated when I took the Udacity Self-Driving Car Engineer Nanodegree (starting in 2016).

In the CS373 course, Thrun detailed a few different ways to tune a PID controller - but one way he covered was rather curious in how it worked. It wasn't perfect, but it got you "close enough". I'm not sure if it would work well for a "real system" but for the purpose of learning it seemed to work well enough.

He called it "twiddle" - I don't know if he was the original author of it, or what - but here's a video that describes how it is implemented and how it works:


It's actually pretty neat - and the concept can be applied to virtually any algorithm in which you are trying to minimize an error amount.

Twiddle, AKA coordinate ascent, definitely works in practice. It's basically the same process a human uses to tune PID parameters, cyclically tune one parameter at a time until you're performance is good enough. It's closely related to gradient ascent and suffers from the same problems, namely that it can get trapped in a local minimum, but it's easy to implement and does a good job if you start with an ok guess at the parameters.

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