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It's now hosting this project, and seems to have created this page and reformed the project a bit. And have you seen the foundation's website?

They have a tiered sponsor page to act as badge of honor for the tech companies with the most money. Their board of directors are 22 of some of the most powerful tech companies in the world. They "host" an amalgam of different tech products (actually working in legal entities to control the projects, it seems, under their LLC). They sponsor conferences, seemingly just to decide the future of the industry with a bunch of connected higher-ups and project leads. They don't appear to have a lot of transparency in terms of where their money is going, what guides the organization, why it exists, what it is doing, etc.

The most annoying thing about it to me is how a bunch of open source projects are actually just product placement for corporations, with press blurbs regurgitating bullshit business speak about something like logging formats.

It used to be that we used the best tool for the job. Now we use whatever tool has the most buzzwords and corporate sponsorship. This foundation appears to be spookily pushing that agenda, under the badge of Linux, for whatever reason. It's creepy.

You haven't a clue what you're talking about.

The Linux Foundation is one way in which corporations subsidize key open source projects that benefit them all. There's nothing creepy at all about corporate sponsorship of key open source technologies. The Linux Foundation started with Linux and has expanded from there, so what? None of their projects http://www.linuxfoundation.org/projects/ are in any way sinister. You do realise that it is possible to work for a corporation and and also be into open source and also not sell your soul to the devil. What hyperbole, give us a break.

Are you aware that the Linux Foundation employs Linus Torvalds? And that a very vast majority of Linux (and most other) open source development is done by developers who are paid employees of major corporations like Red Hat, IBM, Oracle, etc? Some people seem to have the idea that it’s developed by hippie volunteers living in a commune, but the fact is, open source development is done by interested parties who are typically employees of corporations who stand to benefit from their work. And that’s okay.

As a donor to the Linux Foundation, I don’t find it creepy. Same goes for the Cloud Native Computing Foundation.

They didn't create this page. You can follow the development of the page at https://github.com/linuxboot/linuxboot.org

Best case: the linux foundation is, despite corporate influence, genuinely trying to advance the state of the art for its own sake.

Worst case: this is how open source software development has always been, caveat a few "genesis innovations" several decades ago that kicked off the current business/buzzword-backed hype-fest.

Either way, it's no use complaining.

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