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Possibly worth noting - each of these is a coercive system which has some aspect of a "monopoly on violence," just at different levels of abstraction. So by that definition, a clan could be considered a degenerate form of state.

By that definition, even a nuclear family is a degenerate form of state. Let's not foist frankenstein phrases on ill-fitting subjects to justify an invalid premise.

I would agree that it is, although reasonable people can and probably would disagree. The most fundamental monopoly on coercion (and violence) is claimed by parents over their children.

Isn't the important point here to do with the point at which an individual can, if they want to and are willing to spend the energy, alter a particular instance of disagreement? whereas in the Somali (or other non-government system), individuals can both effect particular justice according to a particular grievance, and individuals can effect what justice is done and how, individuals in our countries have no such ability, overwhelmed on basically every level by the power of the government?

> By that definition, even a nuclear family is a degenerate form of state.

Indeed, it is. This is an ancient idea, going back to the Classical era at least.

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