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> functioning fine

Here is the US Overseas Security Advisory Council report on Somalia for 2017: https://www.osac.gov/pages/ContentReportDetails.aspx?cid=218...

> Pervasive and violent crime is an extension of the general state of insecurity in Somalia. Serious, brutal, and often fatal crimes are common. Kidnapping and robbery are particular problems in Mogadishu, other areas in the south, and in Galmuduug and Puntland.

For a libertarian, they're not worried about that because they think they'll have enough guns to protect their.. uh, their bitcoin miner i guess? i'm not sure how they think they'll earn money.

Ever met a poor libertarian? They expect they'll be living in their walled compound surrounded by their private police force.

I can't remember where I first heard it, but one of the factors affecting American politics in particular is the idea that many poor people see themselves as rich people in waiting. They're going to make it, once they get their break. This of course, is false for the overwhelming majority of poor people, but still causes their vote to skew further towards measures which harm them and favour the rich than it otherwise would, because they see themselves benefitting once they do finally make it.

It sounds similar to a quote generally attributed to John Steinbeck, but the exact quote that gets repeated appears to be disputed:


On socialism and capitalism he is quoted as writing:

> "I guess the trouble was that we didn't have any self-admitted proletarians. Everyone was a temporarily embarrassed capitalist."

The term you're looking for is "temporarily embarrassed millionaire"

And what is going to stop your "private police force" from simply taking control and kicking your out (or executing you)? A contract?

Edit: I would expect leadership in those circumstances to simply fall to the most effective leader in that kind of context (which I suspect would be someone from a military background) rather than someone who used to have a big bank balance. Give that a few generations and you'll end up with hereditary clan leadership and eventually "royalty" - all royal lines can usually be traced so some "stupendous badass".

An excellent question. My personal answer would be, "a powerful central government through which I (or my estate) can seek remediation."

Maybe your "powerful central government" could organise an effective police force?

In fact this has happened multiple times in Mexico where a private militia created to protect people from cartels simply takes over the drug business.

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