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I suspect they're just sick of people responding to "government is the problem, not the solution!" with "okay, well how is Somalia doing, then?"

People often get sick of being wrong.

Telling yourself that you're right in spite of overwhelming evidence is kind of the worst thing one can do when feeling tired of being wrong, though.

The problem is when you and countless academics for the last 200 years, all the way up to modern day economists, can see the faults in capitalism (And mostly our government's policies of Austerity Beyond All Reason). But society is too entrenched in it to see any other possible system.

It's like being in a metro system where the roof is falling in and the rails are rusting into nothing, but nobody has figured out how to, or is not willing to, stop things, let everyone out and spend a few days overhauling the cave system so that it works better and isn't killing people. Instead people are utterly content spend the majority of the time painting over the cracks and hoping it won't happen and... oops, yet another recession.

"Housing market crash this time? Ah well. A lot of people in a first world country just died from lack of heating, preventable illness and homelessness... but I've got mine!" seems to be the dominant attitude because "what else can you do?".

The sociopolitical writings of academics have enlightened me beyond use. For what use is enlightenment if one cannot use it, yet I do not seek to lose it, as that is unquestionably bad now.

What alternative do you propose?

Nah, you can just band together and install a leader who agrees with you, and attempt to change reality to conform to your view.

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