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>But taxes in Europe is higher than they are in the US, 35% to 25% avg.

In "Europe"? You mean parts of Europe or even most of Europe. In Switzerland, Lichtenstein, etc., it's lower.

>This only applies to citizens living in tax shelters (ie Switzerland, Luxembourg, etc.)

Uh... why do you think that is, eh? Think about that for a minute.

>and if you are putting your money their and not honestly reporting it I have no sympathy at all when you get audited.

Oh yea? If I live and work there and happen to put my money where I live and work you have no sympathy for me not wanting the US to bother me about it? Why does the US need to know? Why is it there business? I don't use their resources. No other first world country does anything like this and there is no excuse.

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