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left-pad was a package to, you guessed it, pad a string with n leading characters. Personally, I've always just written my own 2 line function for it (something like `function pad(s, n, ch) { return new Array(n - s.length).fill(ch).join("") + s; }`), but a bunch of packages either directly or indirectly depended on this left-pad package, so they all broke.

Packages broke because of a literal two line function? That's hilarious and terrifying at the same time.

Well... No. the left-pad function is 11 lines. The source code, as it was back then, according to that register article, was like this:

function leftpad (str, len, ch) {

  str = String(str);

  var i = -1;

  if (!ch && ch !== 0) ch = ' ';

  len = len - str.length;

  while (++i < len) {
    str = ch + str;

  return str;

But yes, packages broke because of what _could_ have been implemented in one line (ignoring the two lines for the function signature and closing curly).

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